By Roman Pawlowski
Translated from Polish to Dutch by Jacek Kawalec
Tronslated from Dutch to English hy Danny O’ReaIIy
Have you ever seen a groen colored Mercedes bus converted into a “House on Wheels” with a red dog lying behind the windscreen peering outside? The owner of this extraordinary vehicle is none less than the soundhunter Martien Groeneveld from Amsterdam. The wooden interior of the bus produces a sound which closely resembles the squeaking of an old Spanish galleon. So even when driving ho is surrounded by sound. Besides his dog Luna, a complete collection of magical instruments accompany him on his travels throughout Europe. For example, an electric basket, an enormous xylophone, a sea-machine, a roof-tileophone and numerous other small self-made instruments.
Groeneveld’s roots lie in a small village near the sea in the vicinity of Rotterdam where he grew up. During his youth he never failed to attend the launching of a new ship. All inhabitants of the village gathered round the hull to christen the newly born ship. The sound of the breaking champagne bottle, the hammering of the big wooden wedges which support the construction, the splashing of water, the excited crowd, the ship’s horns, all made a deep impression on Martien. It’s very likely that these experiences gave him the idea for visual music: theater for sound and vision! There is no doubt how he became inspired to build a machine which imitates the sound of waves at sea. This machine is only one of the many he uses to perform his spectacular plays throughout Europe.
Another big influence in Groenoveld’s music centers around urban life. Amsterdam! Noise tower of Babel. A melting pot for languages and cultures from all over the world. This is the main hunting ground for Martien’s sounds. He found his “Tileophone” here: a numbor of ceramic rooftiles, hung on a wooden frame, originally coming from a l9th contury building in the city center. Also the “Electric Washing Basket” which involves a number of washing lines attached to a wicker work basket and stretched across the stage during performance. In a magical way this basket produces the sounds of dripping water and careening trams. When Groeneveld first started to perform at the end of the seventies he used a similar set up, that required members of the audience to turn a number of handles and so operate a bank of tape recorders making the theater sound like a tram depot!
For Martien the urban jungle is the ultirnate natural theater of sound. He talks enhusiastically about an ex- traordinary three-day concert that he witnessed when the street in front of his house was broken up and repaved. In the mornings the still-fresh workmen would go about their activities tapping the stones, with a steady rhythm. Later on in the day the rhythm would slow down and start an Irregular syncopation. No, Martien’s collection of musial instruments doesn’t include percussive paving stones anymore. However, listen to his xylophone playing and you just might recognize the rhythm of the roadworkers in the Bakkerstraat, central Amsterdam.
Many of Groeneveld’s ideas about music are based on experimenting with conventional instruments. During the “Festival of Unpopular Music” in England Martien played “the biggest harmonica in the world”. This consisted of a car bumper functioning as the sound board for 15 ordinary mouth harmonicas. Equally avolacious* was the artist’s treatment of a grand piano, standing on it and playing it with rubber tippod bamboo stieks. One of these concerts started in the destruction of a piano made of packing foam that was fastened on the side of the real instrument. Recently Groeneveld added a new instrument to his colloction: with a sawn oft Volkswagen Beetle chassis strung like a harp he parodies the conventional instrument. It somehow sounds like an Indian sitar. Within his seemingly insane expression of his aversion to the conventional use of instruments there lies a philosophy: “More important than any perceived rules of sound or the preconception of an audience, is the personal creative language ex- pressed by the artist”.